Friday, August 6, 2010

For all you baby mommas

You dont have to be a baby momma to read this post.  I have only just run into an issue with having time to work out since I have had a bebe.

I am a runner. I like to sweat  buckets when I work out. I like to get my heart pumping. It makes me feel good. But it is too hot out there right now and I miss lifting weights.

I have a little munchkin to take care of, and since living in the boonies, the closest gym is 25 minutes away. I LOVE going to the gym,  but for now, my living room must be my gym. Also, its cheaper.

Key bought P90X over a year ago, and I was very pregnant when he got it. I said, after Brooks was born, I am going to do it! Well, it kicked my butt, so I just decided to run to stay in shape. Brooks was a champ in the jogging stroller. As summer rolled around it was too hot. My poor baby came home more sweaty that I was. So I stopped running. lame. I tried P90X again and like it, but it took up too much time. (I fit my work out in while Brooks is napping. This is also when I do the bulk of my household chores) So I only did it once or twice a week. I promise I have a point to this story. Just wait. I saw a friend who looked amaazing. I asked her what she did. Alont with running and biking, she does workout videos. I told my mom about it, and last week, my mom purchased them from target when she saw them on sale. Then I stole them from her. One was The Biggest Loser Cardio Max. The other was Yoga Melt Down.


They were $10 each. Thirty minute workouts. You can go longer in the biggest loser when you work up to it. The point is, these workouts are awesome. You should try them.  Do not be discouraged. I could not even do the "easy" yoga workout all the way through for the first week. Now I can do it all, although I have not moved up to the "hard" workout. 

In addition to the great workout, it's only 30 minutes long! Woo! It is way more do-able than an hour+ workout for this season in my life.. Go out, buy these DVD's, or Netflix them (or any other workout video) move the furniture, invite some friends over and work out! It's fun! I promise.