Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Study Break

I have a lab practical tomorrow for Anatomy and Physiology that is going to eat my lunch. I found out today that I need to make a 92 on this thing. Yikes. Looking at these pictures of dead cats in the lab manual is confusing because I can't get my bearings straight. Where is up? Down? Stomach? No- that is the liver. So, I am currently You-Tubing cat dissections so I can study in an interactive way. Yummy.  It is helping. All of the sugar however, is not. I have the jar of nutella with in arm's reach, and my third glass of sweet tea in front of me. Sugar and studying have always gone hand in hand for me. My poor teeth are going to rot out of my head if I do not graduate soon!

Focus, Brettney.
I ended up HERE, blogging, because.. well.. we live in the country and it takes a while for the videos to download.

Meanwhile, I wanted to share a picture of our little guy, Brooks. He is 8 months old. oh, how we love him so.


ok, so I decided to share two pictures. I kinda like this little guy

Monday, April 26, 2010

You know finals are coming up when...

-You have done all of the laundry

-You vacuum under the couches

-Make random food from a cookbook that didn't turn out so well

-Bake bread for the first time. that takes some serious hand and wrist muscles

-Start a blog!

Yep folks, here I am. And in case you were wondering,  I did do these things on the above list today. Ok, not ALL of the laundry.